About Future Farmers of America (FFA)

The Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization is an organization of, by, and for students studying agriculture in public secondary schools under the provision of the Vocational Education Acts. As an integral part of the program of agriculture education in the public school system of America, the FFA has become well known in recent years. No other national student organization enjoys greater freedom of self-government under adult council and guidance than the FFA. Organized in November 1928, it has served to motivate and vitalize the effective instruction offered to students of vocational agriculture and to provide further training in farmer citizenship and agricultural business.
The FFA is a non-profit, non-political agriculture youth organization, designed to take its place with other agents striving for the development of leadership, the advancement of agriculture technology, and improvement of agricultural life. The foundation upon which the FFA organization is molded includes leadership, service, thrift, scholarship, improved agriculture, organized recreation, citizenship, and patriotism.
National headquarters for the FFA are located in the Agricultural Education Branch Office of Health, Education, and Welfare in Washington D.C. The National Convention is held annually in Louisville, Kentucky and the California Association holds its annual Conference at the Fresno Convention Center, Fresno, California.
The FFA is a non-profit, non-political agriculture youth organization, designed to take its place with other agents striving for the development of leadership, the advancement of agriculture technology, and improvement of agricultural life. The foundation upon which the FFA organization is molded includes leadership, service, thrift, scholarship, improved agriculture, organized recreation, citizenship, and patriotism.
National headquarters for the FFA are located in the Agricultural Education Branch Office of Health, Education, and Welfare in Washington D.C. The National Convention is held annually in Louisville, Kentucky and the California Association holds its annual Conference at the Fresno Convention Center, Fresno, California.
FFA Mission Statement
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
FFA Vision
FFA provides the next generation of leaders who will change the world.
FFA Staff

Biology/Veterinarian & Animal Science

Floral Design