Internet Safety - Predators Internet Safety Presentation by the Riverside District Attorneys' Office. May 16, 2022, at 9 am via Zoom.
Fall 2021 Family Survey Families we need your valuable input, please fill out the Fall Family Survey.Familias, necesitamos su valiosa aportación. Por favor complete la Encuesta familiar de otoño.
Cyber Bullying & Power of Education / Acoso Cibernético & Poder de la Educación Presentation by the Riverside District Attorneys' Office / Presentación por la Oficina del Fiscal de Distrito de Riverside
Healthy Relationships - Presentation by the Riverside District Attorneys' Office Join the Healthy Relationships presentation provided by the Riverside District Attorneys' Office. Meeting intended for parents/guardians.
SJHS Foreign Language Awareness Summit Join us in our very first Student Summit Hosted by MEChA & ASB!
Parent Workshop / Taller para padres Free Parent Workshop: How can I make sure my child is getting a high quality education? / Taller para padres: ¿Cómo puedo asegurarme de que mi hijo reciba una educación de alta calidad?
School Site Council Meeting Please join us at our next School Site Council Meeting on 4/13/21 at 3:30 pm
Coffee With the Principal - Virtual / Café con la Directora - Virtual Join us April 28, 2021, @ 3 pm for our Virtual Coffee With the Principal