Pre-industrial Furniture Design : ART (Period 2)

Mr. Roy Castillo
First Semester 2017-2018
Second Semester 2017-2018

Assignment Calendar

Course Description

Students will gain familiarity and knowledge of the elements of art and principals of design with a focus on three dimensional projects. These three dimensional investigations will begin with sources of design in historical references with a conclusion of wood manufacturing. In their first project students will take emphasis from an iconic form and dissect its proportions and aesthetic value as they apply it to their own original product. Further exploration of forms and profiles of a non industrial standardized measure will be facilitated.  Students will ultimately investigate: form, line, shape, space, texture, balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, proportion, rhythm, variety and unity within proportion while orchestrating further construction of projects not requiring absolute originality.  These projects will be accompanied by supporting technical drawings, bill of materials, plan sheets and other graphic organizers within a product notebook.