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CTE Pathways Overview

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways in California are aligned with rigorous industry and academic standards. Teachers participate in meaningful professional development on curricula and instruction, standards and assessment, and academic integration. CTE is at the forefront of innovation in education in California. Program partnerships and advisories communicate this vision with business and industry partners.  Each year, thousands of CTE students graduate from high school with career goals, job skills and leadership skills knowing exactly where they will go next to further their academic and hands-on education and training. Find your passion and become one of those students! Learn how to prepare for your future in our CTE Pathways & Frameworks sections.

The Career Technical Education (CTE) Model Curriculum Standards are designed to assist California districts and schools in developing high-quality curriculum and instruction to help ensure that students are career and college ready and to prepare them for future careers. The model standards were created with assistance from more than 300 representatives from business, industry, postsecondary, and secondary education and were reviewed by approximately 1,000 individuals, including members of the general public. The standards are rigorous, evidence-based, relevant, and reasonable in scope. They offer clear guidelines for course content development and expectations for student achievement.